Channel: Addiction – Ask Doctor K
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How can I prevent addiction to my prescription painkillers?

DEAR DOCTOR K: My doctor has prescribed prescription painkillers -- opioids -- for my severe back pain. They relieve my pain, but how can I reduce my risk of becoming hooked? DEAR READER: Simply being...

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Why can’t women drink as much as men?

DEAR DOCTOR K: Can you explain why "moderate" drinking is defined differently for men and women? Is it because men tend to be heavier? Or is there more to it? DEAR READER: Women are advised to drink...

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Could low-nicotine cigarettes help me quit smoking altogether?

DEAR DOCTOR K: I've decided to quit smoking. Do you think low-nicotine cigarettes could be a good stepping-stone to kicking the habit completely? DEAR READER: I'm always glad when readers ask about how...

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What’s behind the recent epidemic of opioid addiction?

DEAR DOCTOR K: The news media say that we suddenly have an epidemic of addiction to prescription opioid painkillers. These pills have been around for a long time. What's changed? DEAR READER:...

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Is it possible to ease the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal?

DEAR DOCTOR K: My husband has a problem with alcohol. He has finally decided to quit and has set a date for his final drink. How will his body react once he stops? Is there anything we can do to help...

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Should I be concerned about my drinking?

DEAR DOCTOR K: During my daughter's wedding, and all the events surrounding it, I started drinking more than usual. But that was six months ago, and I haven't cut back to where I was before. When do I...

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Is addiction a disease or is it caused by a lack of willpower?

DEAR DOCTOR K: My brother has struggled with addiction for years. I've told my husband that addiction is a disease, but he claims my brother is weak and lacks willpower. Is he right? DEAR READER: There...

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Could a monthly injection help my son overcome his opioid addiction?

DEAR DOCTOR K: My son is addicted to painkillers. He has been in and out of treatment programs, but nothing has worked. I recently heard about a monthly injection that can help people overcome...

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Are there medications that could help me quit smoking?

DEAR DOCTOR K: I've tried to quit smoking on my own, but it never lasts. Could medications help? How do they work? DEAR READER: Medicines can help, and they have improved "quit rates." Although smoking...

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Is it safe for my teen to be smoking hookahs?

DEAR DOCTOR K: You recently wrote about e-cigarettes not being safe for teens. What about hookahs? I don't completely understand what they are. Are they OK for my teen? I think he might be smoking...

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